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Innovation for sustainable and responsible agricolture

Barese Sel. Polignano

Barese Sel. Polignano
Code: BT01016
Compact size "eco-type Barese", perfect for the baby leaf market
  • Approximately 55 days, 25 days if for grown for baby leaf market.
  • Compact plant suitable for tuft harvesting or particularly appreciate for the baby leaf market.
  • Average weight about 1,10 kg each plant (whole plant in bunching).
  • Erected, lance-shaped and smooth leaves, brilliant green colored with a large white and brilliant rib.
  • Sowing: July – October.
  • Harvesting: August – March.
  • Planting ratio: cm 15-25 along the row, 30-40 cm between the rows.
Consorzio Sativa Società Cooperativa Agricola Via Calcinaro 2425 47521 CESENA (FC) Italy
Cooperativa a Mutualità Prevalente Iscrizione all'Albo il 17/01/2005 con il nr. A101504
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