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Innovation for sustainable and responsible agricolture

Our services

Offer by inventory stocks:

Sativa is maintainer and producer of many varieties and commodities; if you forward us your list of varieties we can inform which items we could offer from inventory or from new harvest.

Tailor-made productions by multiplication contract:

Sativa contracts its productions either with CAC (Italian productions) or with other producers in several places in the world: in case of need we can offer the services of our growers in Chile, China, USA or elsewhere. If you are interested in producing your own varieties, local ecotypes or hybrids by our worldwide growers, you can count on our services, we will assure the higher level of quality on each step of the process.

Consorzio Sativa Società Cooperativa Agricola Via Calcinaro 2425 47521 CESENA (FC) Italy
Cooperativa a Mutualità Prevalente Iscrizione all'Albo il 17/01/2005 con il nr. A101504
Tel. +39 0547 380310 - Fax +39 0547 639056 - E-Mail sativa@sativa.it - Reg. Impr. FC P.IVA 01244650402 - © 2024 - All rights reserved
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