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Innovation for sustainable and responsible agricolture

Research & Development


Since 1992 we breed and sell seeds of many different varieties of vegetables.

Our hybrids and our varieties are obtained through self-financed breeding programs, exclusive agreements with private breeders all over the world, agreements with Public Research Centres for the exclusive exploitation of their obtentions.

The mayor quantity of our seeds are produced through contracts of multiplication with reliable growers located domestically, in Cesena and vicinity, as well as in Countries where, thanks to climatic conditions, the best quality can be achieved.

We recuperate and enhance the National genetic resources in vegetable species with the maintenance of typical varieties originated in various rural areas of the Italian peninsula and the promotion of these "heritage" varieties on the market.

The motto "Tradition and Innovation" represents in two words our whole mission.

Consorzio Sativa Società Cooperativa Agricola Via Calcinaro 2425 47521 CESENA (FC) Italy
Cooperativa a Mutualità Prevalente Iscrizione all'Albo il 17/01/2005 con il nr. A101504
Tel. +39 0547 380310 - Fax +39 0547 639056 - E-Mail sativa@sativa.it - Reg. Impr. FC P.IVA 01244650402 - © 2025 - All rights reserved
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