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Innovation for sustainable and responsible agricolture


Code: CP01202
Long day onion, yellow flattened bulb
  • Medium-early cycle.
  • Selection suited for spring sowings allowing the uprooting from August.
  • For pickling, oil or vinegar
Consorzio Sativa Società Cooperativa Agricola Via Calcinaro 2425 47521 CESENA (FC) Italy
Cooperativa a Mutualità Prevalente Iscrizione all'Albo il 17/01/2005 con il nr. A101504
Tel. +39 0547 380310 - Fax +39 0547 639056 - E-Mail sativa@sativa.it - Reg. Impr. FC P.IVA 01244650402 - © 2024 - All rights reserved
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